Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Note to self: don't put it off

I pulled up pretty well from Friday's long run. Saturday was a planned rest day and I had the choice of Sunday or Monday to do my speed session, in the end I put it off until Monday. Which was fine until I was incapacitated by an upset stomach. Lesson learned.

Back on track today.

Better news on the weight front, as a result of cutting out 'lussert' (dessert after lunch) that was so prevalent while I was away and eating lighter/smaller meals in general I've managed to shed a kilo.

Run: 50min | 7.76km |06m 29s/km. Scheduled "comfortable run". HR indicates otherwise. An average of 172. Oops that's a little too high. Felt alright though, had my faster kms towards the end of the run.

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree re not putting things off! I find that I am better just to do it 'now' as 'later' often never happens!
