Ride: 3:21:48 | 67.14 km
Run: 6:40:12 | 63.01 km
Swim: 15m | 600m
Walking: 12:50
Kickboxing: 3:00
Strength: 1:30
Adventure racing: 4:29:32
Dancing: 2:00
Weight: -1kg, down to 61kg (134lbs). I thought I'd done slightly better, that said, I'm down a total of 2.5kgs since mid October. I'm not complaining!
Disappointing bike effort, but my run total doubled from last month. I definitely spent more time moving in November, compared to October. So I'm happy.
November was all about the Adventure race! And making a slow comeback with regards to my ITB injury sustained in September. I feel as though I'm making ok progress on that front.
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